Massage Therapy
By Appointment Only. I do not offer online booking for massage, please call 360.400.0850 to schedule.
As a licensed massage therapist I specialize in assessing muscular dysfunction and assisting your body's natural ability to heal and restructure. I have excellent success in restoring range of motion in the neck, shoulders and hips. I love to work with old injuries that people have resigned themselves to suffering with forever, oftentimes chronic pain can be resolved much more easily than people think. I may also offer nutritional, herbal, strengthening and stretching guidance to help with common muscular issues and pain conditions.
Since 2006, I have helped my clients to heal and live pain free. I endeavor to give them the tools they need to be strong and healthy and at ease in their bodies. I want them to know they have someone they can go to for maintenance or for help figuring out stubborn issues. I offer the following services:
Swedish Relaxation
Long, flowing strokes intended to induce deep relaxation. Stimulates circulation and relieves sore muscles.
Deep Tissue
Reaches deeper muscle layers to relieve chronic pain, aches and stiffness. May incorporate Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy and/or Accupressure techniques. Sessions are tailored specifically for each individual client's needs.
Special positioning and cushions are used to accommodate baby and increase comfort and security for mom. Massage is very beneficial throughout your pregnancy and babies love it!
Injury Treatment
Doctor referred soft tissue injury treatment. I am an L&I provider and will take PIP accident injury claims with referral. I do not accept health insurance.
Request Information
If you have any questions, please send me a message and I'll try to answer as quickly as possible.